Yes, runners DO need to focus on technique

All the joints in our body are capable of movement in one or more of these planes. For example, the elbow joint is a hinge and only moves forward and backwards in the sagittal plane. The shoulder, on the other hand, is a ball and socket joint and moves in all three planes.


產前無痛之旅 客戶真實案例分享 懷孕期間也可以告別腰背痛,向痛楚說「不」!來自Ms. Holder關於產前無痛之旅故事分享。 「 我目前已經懷孕24週,但我已經沒有任何因懷孕帶來新的痛楚。我相信這歸功於為我度身訂造的物理治療療程。