Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow are similar overuse injuries whereby pain occurs near the elbow.

In Tennis Elbow or also known as lateral epicondylitis, the outside tendons of the elbow are overused whereas in Golfer’s Elbow or medial epicondylitis affects the inner tendons. Despite the names, both these conditions are not limited to those who play tennis or golf.

Anyone who repeatedly uses their arm muscles can suffer from these muscle strain injuries including weightlifters, athletes, racquet sports players, carpenters, mechanics and painters.

Assessment and Diagnosis

In conjunction with medical history taking, our physios will perform a series of diagnostic tests to determine the exact cause of your condition and the factors contributing to your injury. These tests will also help determine the exact location of your injury and the best course of treatment.

Treatment And Advice

Once our physiotherapists have diagnosed you condition accurately, they will customise a treatment plan to help you recover faster which may include:

  • Manual therapy including soft tissue manipulation
  • Acupuncture or dry needling
  • Remedial exercises and stretches
  • Lifestyle and activity adjustments to avoid aggravating the injury
Need Help? Book an Appointment Today!

If you have been experiencing elbow pain, our physiotherapists are here to help!

Contact any of our clinics today to book your appointment. You may also book your appointment online through the link below:

Wellington Street Clinic:
Tel: (852) 2530 0073
WhatsApp: (852) 5542 0407

World-Wide House Clinic:
Tel: (852) 2530 3022
WhatsApp: (852) 5422 3760

For more information, contact us or +852 2530 0073.

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