Inclement Weather Arrangements
When Black Rain Signal, Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted before 8:00am
- The Clinics will be closed until the signal is lowered
- The Clinics will reopen within 2 hours from the removal of signal No. 8 if this takes effect by 2:00 pm or earlier
When Black Rain Signal, Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted during office hours
- Patients-in-waiting will be attended as scheduled
- All other patients will be individually informed to reschedule their Appointment by telephone at once
- The Clinics will be closed once all the above arrangements are completed
When Amber Rain Signal, Red Rain Signal, Typhoon Signal No. 1 or Typhoon Signal No. 3 is hoisted
- The Clinics will be open as usual