

What is Incontinence and How is it Caused?

Incontinence occurs due to problems with the muscles and nerves that help the bladder hold or release urine. When the pelvic floor muscle is overstretched, it is unable to contract properly and thus leads to leakage. The most common cause of incontinence in women is the natural delivery of multiple babies.

Types of Incontinence
  • Stress incontinence: leakage during coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, lifting
  • Urge incontinence: leakage during a trigger such as the sound of running water, getting into the elevator, opening house’s door
  • Runner’s incontinence: leakage during running
  • Weight lifter’s incontinence: leakage during heavy weight lifting training
Incontinence Assessments

During your first session, your physiotherapist will monitor your level of incontinence with:

  • A fluid intake diary and/or bladder output diary
  • Manual testing of pelvic floor muscles to check for strength and asymmetry
  • Biofeedback machine to determine the exact strength of pelvic floor muscles
  • Electric stimulation to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
  • Post Electric Stimulation Biofeedback machine to reassess the pelvic floor muscle strength
  • Abdominal Separation assessment to determine the severity of abdominal separation
Incontinence Treatments and Advice
  • Listing of bladder irritants, including food and fluid to avoid
  • Biofeedback machine: to determine the exact strength of pelvic floor muscles
  • Electric stimulation: to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
  • Post electric stimulation Biofeedback machine: to reassess the pelvic floor muscles
  • Kegel exercises
  • Incontinence incident diary
  • Pelvic floor muscle educator

*The parameter of the electric stimulation and the type of Kegel exercises suggested will depend on the type of incontinence experienced.

Contact Us Today

Wellington Street Clinic:
Tel: (852) 2530 0073
WhatsApp: (852) 5542 0407

World-Wide House Clinic:
Tel: (852) 2530 3022
WhatsApp: (852) 5422 3760

For more info, contact us at or +852 2530 0073.